Christopher Bass, Ph.D
- Associate Professor Physics
- Chair Physics

Professor Christopher Bass is an experimental nuclear physicist who has worked at several national research laboratories, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. His courses include Fields & Waves, Experimental Foundations of Modern Physics, Electronics, Analytical Mechanics, Atomic & Nuclear Physics Laboratory, and the Advanced Physics Laboratory. His research focuses on measuring high-energy neutrons in support of experimental searches for dark matter, and studying neutrinos emitted from the cores of nuclear reactors. He is a member of the Precision Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT), which is a short-baseline reactor experiment designed to conclusively address reactor flux and spectrum anomalies, and search for sterile neutrinos. He regularly mentors undergraduate research, which has resulted in a number of student presentations at regional and national conferences.
Ph.D. (Physics), Indiana University
B.S. (Physics), Indiana University
Areas of Specialization
Experimental nuclear physics, tests of hadronic weak interactions, fast neutron spectrometery, precision measurements using neutrons, cryogenic target development.