Devon Keeney, Ph.D.

  • Department Chair Biological and Environmental Sciences
  • Professor Biological and Environmental Sciences


Science Center 219


Ph.D. Zoology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois, 2004
M.S. Biology/Marine Biology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Massachusetts, 1999
B.S. Biology, Bridgewater State College, Massachusetts, 1996

Areas of Specialization

My research utilizes molecular markers to identify the genetic structure of animal populations and determine the ecological and evolutionary causes of the observed genetic patterns. My interests range from the global genetic structure of marine fishes to the differentiation of parasites within individual hosts. By investigating diverse organisms over varying geographic scales, I hope to gain a better understanding of the factors influencing the evolution of animal populations.


Radford, D.S., Porreca, A.P., Moody-Carpenter, C.J., Muller, K.A., Keeney, D.B., and R.E. Colombo (2023) Demographics, Reproductive Characteristics, and Genetic Connectivity of Blue Suckers (Cycleptus elongatus) in a Large Tributary. Ichthyology and Herpetology. 111: 416-425.

Keeney, D.B., Cobb, S.A., Jadin, R.C., and S.A. Orlofske (2023) Atypical life cycle does not lead to inbreeding or selfing in parasites despite clonemate accumulation in intermediate hosts. Molecular Ecology. 32:1777-1790. doi:10.1111/mec16837.

Keeney, D.B. and P. Yurco (2021) Fine-scale genetic structure of the freshwater snail Promenetus exacuous in the New York State region: the influences of historical colonization, habitat connectivity and dispersal ability. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 87: eyab014. doi:10.1093/mollus/eyab014

Smith, S.C.F., Colombo, R.E., Thomas, T., and D.B. Keeney (2019) Dissimilar effects of low-head dams on the genetic structure of riverine fishes. Freshwater Science. 38: 92-102.

Boone, E.C., Laursen, J.R., Colombo, R.E., Meiners, S.J., Romani, M.F., and D.B. Keeney (2018) Infection patterns and molecular data reveal host and tissue specificity of Posthodiplostomum species in centrarchid hosts. Parasitology. 145: 1458-1468.

Yurco, P. and D.B. Keeney (2018) Characterization of tri and tetra-nucleotide microsatellite loci for the freshwater snails Promenetus exacuous (Planorbidae) and Valvata tricarinata (Valvatidae) and their utility in population genetic studies. BMC Research Notes. 11: 204.