Darius Makuja, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor Religious Studies


RH 206

Darius Makuja is originally from the Republic of the South Sudan. He received a M.A. in Historical Theology in 1999 and his Ph.D. in Historical Theology in 2006, both from Saint Louis University. He specializes in Historical Theology with a focus on the Late Antiquity and Medieval period. His dissertation is on “Eschatology and Inculturation: The Missionary Strategy of Pope Gregory the Great (590-604).” He joined Le Moyne in 2003 as a Pre-doctoral Fellow Visiting Professor. In 2006, he accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor. In 2012, Dr. Makuja was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in the Religious Studies Department at Le Moyne College. Some of his courses include: Religious Perspectives on the Human Situation; African Christian Theology; Christianity in Dialogue with African Traditional Religions; Catholic Theology and Christ through History (Christology); and a senior seminar on Religion, Conflict and Peace in the African Context. He has published scholarly research in numerous journals: African Christian Studies: The Quarterly Journal of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Nairobi, Kenya); Sacris Erudiri: A Journal on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity (Turnhout,Belgium); The Griot: Journal of The Southern Conference on African American Studies; and Encounter: Pontificio Instituto di Arabi e d’Islamistica,(Roma, Italy).


Ph.D., Saint Louis University