Coming to Le Moyne my freshman year, I definitely brought items that never saw the light of day just as I had items that I used daily and can’t imagine not having in my dorm room. The items I use have become a staple for me  and have helped me to be successful both in and out of the classroom. What are these items? The most used and ones I could not live without are my whiteboard, my Keurig, my fan, my blankets, my mini fridge, and my mirror.

You will succeed here on the Heights and being confident in yourself is just part of what will help you succeed.”

Paige Martin '21

If you are like me, love coffee, and drink it daily, a Keurig is a must in your room. I usually start my mornings with a coffee and it really helps me jump-start my day. Whether I was up late finishing homework, studying, or binge watching my favorite Netflix show, starting my day with coffee helps me get alert, focused, and ready to take on the day. While our cafeteria and the Den both have coffee, personally I am very picky about my coffee so I prefer to make it every morning. Plus it is just more convenient to have a Keurig if you can, especially during finals week when you know you will be up late preparing.

The next item is my whiteboard. I don’t think I could survive without my white board. My whiteboard is a calendar and I change it every month, looking on Canvas (our learning management system) as well as my syllabi given during classes to fill it out each month. I also fill in my work schedule for that week, put in any upcoming games that I may want to attend, and just anything that I will have that month. This is imperative to me. Being able to see my week and month in advance can help me prepare the work I know I will have to do as well as prioritize it. If I look and see an assignment that is due the same day as a huge paper, I will start the paper before the assignment because I know the paper will take longer and I would want to take a break if I did the assignment first and then in turn forget about the paper. I have tried using planners before and while I would write things down, for me a whiteboard was a lifesaver because it allows me to see everything at once.

Students in Residence Hall

My blankets and my fan are other huge items that I use daily. While Syracuse can get very cold especially during the winter months, it can also be very hot. Living on the top floors for three years in a row, I can assure you it will get hot. Having a fan is good for when it gets warm because it will help you to not overheat as well as keep you focused because, if we are being honest, no one wants to do work when it’s warm and nice out and there are other things to do. On the other hand, when Syracuse gets cold, it gets really cold. Having a blanket, or five, will help. Whether you are trying to stay warm or just like to curl up watching Netflix or reading a good book, a blanket is a must and I promise it will get used.

A mini fridge is also used very frequently in my dorm room and a must have if you can. I find myself drinking water often as well as some Gatorade after a workout (and occasionally some soda). Having a mini fridge in your room will help you to keep these items cold and fresh especially if you take a banana, apple, or orange from the Cafe for a healthy snack later in your day. A mini fridge is where I put my produce that I bought from Wegmans, my water bottles, and anything else I could load in it. It is a huge part of my room as I like things fresh. Staying hydrated and full also helps you stay focused because you are not thinking about getting some water after class or getting a snack. You can stay fully engaged in classes.

The last most used item and maybe the most important is my mirror. You may be thinking why do I need a mirror when I can just use the one in the bathroom? Well looking at yourself in the mirror before you head to class can help ensure you not only look good, but that your outfit matches. When you look good, you feel good and that is important especially if you go to a meeting with your teacher or counsellor, or you land an interview. Plus when you look good and you feel good, you become more confident. You will succeed here on the Heights and being confident in yourself is just part of what will help you succeed. I hope you will find that some of these things will be your most used items in your dorm room as well. I know they will be items that I will use for my remaining time here on the Heights.

Paige Martin
B.A Marketing