Students in Residence Hall

Congratulations on starting your college journey at Le Moyne. Moving in with your new roommate is one of the most exciting things to look forward to. Sharing a room with someone you’ve never met before or one of your closest friends can be exciting, but it can also have its challenges.

Establishing a healthy relationship and setting boundaries with your roommate is essential.  Here are some things to keep in mind to ensure that both of you have a pleasant and enjoyable experience.

1. Communication is key
Communication is one of the most important parts of every relationship. When it comes to your roommate, you must explain your expectations, boundaries, and needs while sharing a living space. Don’t be hesitant to bring up the subject! Discuss your schedule, your study habits, and even how you prefer the room to be kept clean. By establishing clear expectations from the start, you can avoid future misunderstandings and disagreements.

2. Respect each other’s privacy
Living in a shared space entails respecting one another’s privacy and needs.  Discuss your privacy boundaries with your roommate. Things to discuss include when it is acceptable to have guests and when you need to have the place to yourself. Remember that you have different schedules and lifestyles, so respect each other’s need for personal space.

3. Be considerate 
To help you remember, consider small acts of kindness you may perform to make your roommate feel comfortable in the dorm. Clean up after yourself, and if they’re sleeping or studying, try not to make any loud noises. Above all, never touch their personal items without their permission. These tiny acts demonstrate that you value your roommate’s time and space.

4. Solve conflicts peacefully
Disagreements are entirely normal. When disputes do develop, remember to handle them peacefully in order to fix the situation. Avoid being defensive, and try to imagine yourself in your roommate’s shoes to understand how they could feel in this circumstance. Learn how to compromise and come up with a solution that both sides can agree on. Remember that you will be sleeping in the same room. You both want to feel at ease in the same place.

5. Spend time together 
While respecting each other’s space is important, spending time together can help strengthen your relationship with your roommate. It’s the simple things that count; watch a movie together, eat in the dining hall together, even study together! Furthermore, Le Moyne hosts numerous events on campus that you can attend together. Those will be the amazing memories you’ll hold onto for a lifetime!

A positive relationship with your roommate is essential to your college experience. You can establish a positive and enjoyable living environment by communicating openly, respecting each other’s privacy, being considerate, resolving disagreements calmly, and spending time together. Best wishes for your time at Le Moyne College! Every memory counts.

Janiah Cavil ’23
Marketing & Management Leadership