Writing is difficult! But we're here to help!

Meet Our Team

Matthew Fledderjohann has worked as a writing center tutor and writing program administrator for over fourteen years and at four different institutions. He brings to Le Moyne’s writing center his enthusiasm for the learning that can happen through one-to-one conversations and his commitment to helping people work through the difficulties of writing and writing instruction. He has an MA in English Literature from DePaul University, and he completed his PhD in Composition and Rhetoric at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he focused his research on what happens when writers encounter dissonance. His other research interests include writing center theory and pedagogy, writing across the curriculum, apocalyptic rhetoric, and endings.

Associate Director
Emily C. Perkins has over a decade of experience working in higher education at multiple institutions, specifically in areas related to literacy, writing, and academic integrity. After graduating with Honors in Philosophy from Hobart and William Smith Colleges, she completed an MS in Childhood Education, followed by a PhD in Teaching, Curriculum and Change at the University of Rochester. Her dissertation investigated the challenges educators face when trying to make learning to read relevant and meaningful, and demonstrated how canine-assisted reading programs are an innovative way to provide social, emotional, and academic support to all student learners. She recently obtained a Certificate of Advanced Study in Trauma Informed Practice to become a stronger resource and advocate for students as they navigate through their college experience. She brings to Le Moyne her passion and enthusiasm for building relationships across the campus community in efforts to promote best practices for academic success.