Godriver A. Odhiambo, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor Carroll College of Arts & Sciences


RH 410


Ph.D. 2010, West Virginia University

Areas of Specialization

African Refugees
Colonial Africa: Scramble for Africa
Colonial Political Economies
Modern Africa: Africa Since 1945
African Women
Challenge to African Democracy

Awards and Honors

Scholar of the Year 2020
Undergraduate Mentor of the Year 2023
Undergraduate Adviser of the Year 2024


The Political Economy of Sugar Production in Colonial Kenya: The Asian Initiative in Central Nyanza. Lexington Books, 2016

“Challenge to African Democracy: The Activism and Assassination of Pio Gama Pinto” in A Tapestry of African Histories with Longer Times and Wider Geopolitics, Nicholas Githuku, ed.