Shawn C. Loner

  • Adjunct Professor Religious Studies



Grewen Hall 215

Shawn Loner has been teaching at Le Moyne College since Fall 2011. His research focuses on the phenomena of New Religious Movements in America, particularly modern Pagan movements and the use of mythology in constructing new religions, personal identity, and community. His teaching interests include: Introduction to the Study of Religion/World Religions, New Religious Movements, Religion and Marginality, Folk and Popular Religion, Apocalypticism and Millennialism, Religion and Popular Culture, the Ancient Near East and the History of the Bible, Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion and Mythology, Comparative Religion, Comparative Mythology, and Folklore.  At Le Moyne, he has taught the following courses: COR 400B/REL 420: The Future of Being Human, HON 215: The Meaning of Monsters (Integral Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar II), REL 326: Religion and Popular Culture, HON 112: Religion on the Fringes (Integral Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar I), REL 410:The End is Nigh! Understanding the Apocalyptic Worldview, COR 100: Gods, Dragons, and Fools: Exploring the Landscape of World Mythology, REL 200: Religious Perspectives on the Human Situation, REL 365: Islam, REL 314/PSC 314: Church and State, and REL 409: Cults and Cultural Conflicts. His article, “Be-Witching Scripture: The Book of Shadows as Scripture within Wicca/Neo-Pagan Witchcraft,” was published in Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts & Contemporary Worlds (vol. 2.2-3) and reprinted in Iconic Books and Texts (Equinox Publishing, May 2013).