Shin-Jeng Lin, Ph.D

  • Professor Madden College of Business and Economics



MI 213


Ph.D. Information Science, Rutgers University

Areas of Specialization

Teaching Interests: Artificial intelligence, automation, databases, data engineering, systems analysis and design.

Research interests: digital learning, human computer interaction, innovation adoption, interface design, information seeking behavior


Tseng, T., Lin, S., Wang, Y-S, & Liu, H-X (2022) Investigating Teachers’ Adoption of MOOCs: The Perspective of UTAUT2. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(4), 635-650 (Cabell’s acceptance rate: 34%; impact factor 2021: 4.965; Citation score: 7.2; Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile).

Tseng, T. H., Wang, Y. M., Lin, H. H., Lin, S., Wang, Y. S., & Tsai, T. H. (2022). Relationships between locus of control, theory of planned behavior, and cyber entrepreneurial intention: The moderating role of cyber entrepreneurship education. The International Journal of Management Education, 20(3), 100682. (Cabell’s acceptance rate: 30%; Impact factor: 4.564; Citation Score: 5.5)

Tseng, T. H., Chang, S. H., Wang, Y. M., Wang, Y. S., & Lin, S. (2021). An Empirical Investigation of the Longitudinal Effect of Online Consumer Reviews on Hotel Accommodation Performance. Sustainability, 13(1), 193. (Impact factor: 3.889; Citation Score: 5.0)

Yeh, C.-H., Wang, Y-S., Hsu, J-W., & Lin, S. (2020) Predicting individuals’ digital autopreneurship: Does educational intervention matter? Journal of Business Research, 106, 35-45. (Cabell’s acceptance rate: 6 to 10%; Impact factor: 7.55; Citation score: 11.2)

Wang, Y-S, Yeh, C-H, Wang, Y-M, Tseng, T. H., Lin, H-H, Lin, S., & Xie, M-Q (2019) Investigating Online Consumers’ Responses to Product Presentation Modes: Does the Product Type really matter? Internet Research, 26 (1), 265-287. (Cabell’s acceptance rate: 17%; Impact factor: 6.906)