“What do I want to do with my life?” “What does it mean to be successful?” “Can I have career success and happiness?”

Many students arrive on the Heights asking these age-old questions, many times feeling pressure to figure it all out quickly – what to study, what kind of job it will produce – and these questions continue as goals are narrowed down – will this career fulfill me, whatever that means? Although it can feel overwhelming, Le Moyne’s nationally recognized four-year Manresa program has a reputation for helping you figure it all out.

Manresa’s Superpower

Manresa’s superpower is connection – to friends, the College community, employers and, most importantly, yourself.

As a Manresa fellow, you can expect:

  • The fellowship of a small group with six to eight fellow students and two mentors
  • Greater clarity about your values
  • Focused time to determine your goals
  • A guaranteed internship placement
  • Career counseling
  • Thorough job interview practice
  • A fantastic resume entry

In your small groups, you each tackle big questions about your future career goals and what matters most to you in life. You then come together to process your reflections and ideas. Each group is assigned two Le Moyne mentors to guide and support, but the peer-to-peer support encourages powerful perspectives.

Manresa Takes Time

In a dynamic, bustling world, Manresa attempts to support the whole Le Moyne student: It provides a safe space to figure things out—to sit, write and think. It provides meaningful professional and networking connections. And, above all else, it helps you become, well, you.

Graduates at Commencement

Why Manresa?

Manresa fosters career development and exploration of personal values, but the magic is in the conversations and activities experienced within your Manresa small group.

Manresa Year-by-Year

Small group questions, reflection prompts and experiences are tailored to your current academic year at Le Moyne so the experience is relevant and meaningful in real-time.

Year 1 – "Become You"

Discover who you are – your core strengths, distinctive talents and deepest passions – and who you have the potential to become. Consider the career and life paths that could best fulfill your potential.

Year 2 – "Values in Action"

Discover your passions and how you can put your talents to work for the greater good. Deepen and clarify your core values, enhance your understanding of the needs of the world around you, and learn to think—and act—creatively for yourself and your community.

Year 3 – "Think Forward"

Expand your perspective, get connected and put what you are learning into practice with internships, job shadowing, study abroad, service learning and student mentoring experiences.

Year 4 – “Meaningful Success”

Learn how you can use your Le Moyne education to pursue a richer sense of success—the tireless effort to become your best self through living with and for others.

Student Group

Lifelong Relationships

To date, over 750 students have benefited from Manresa’s thought-provoking opportunities and dolphin-to-dolphin connections.

You will make lifelong friends, develop career skills, discover more about yourself, and get to know faculty on a personal level- and above all things: how to set the world on fire.”

Sonia Patrician ‘21


No! Manresa is completely free!

Though the activities vary for each Manresa year, most students can plan on about six events throughout the semester, varying from 1.5-4 hour time commitments each time. For more specific details, contact RJ Rapoza, co-director of Manresa.

The Manresa years are based on your year at Le Moyne. You should submit an application for the year that corresponds with your current academic year.

The Manresa mentors are faculty and administrators who facilitate the Manresa small groups. To date, over 75 members of the Le Moyne community have served as a Manresa mentor.

Questions? Let's get in touch.

R.J. Rapoza

RJ Rapoza

Co-director of Manresa

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