Our goal is to provide excellence in leadership and fiscal services in support of the Le Moyne College primary mission and the Strategic Master Plan

Get in Touch

Joseph Grasso
Vice President of Finance and Administration
(315) 445-4174


Financial Services

The Financial Services Office is responsible for policy implementation, internal controls, cash management, risk management, general ledger activity, budget implementation, financial analysis, preparation of internal and external financial reports and support for student organization and grant accounts.

EthicsPoint Reporting (Whistleblower)

Le Moyne Ethics Reporting (Whistleblower) Hotline service is designed for reporting related to various activities of fraud, abuse, workplace misconduct or violations of College policies. Le Moyne has selected EthicsPoint as our third party processor to provide you with a simple, anonymous way to confidentially report activities that may involve certain improper conduct or violations of the College’s policies.

This hotline service does not replace or supersede existing reporting methods. Instead, the EthicsPoint system is intended to offer an additional means of reporting in situations in which the individual making the report is unable or unwilling to use the existing procedures and provides a method of reporting issues anonymously.

All reports submitted under existing reporting methods or through EthicsPoint will be handled promptly and discreetly.
You can submit reports to the hotline via www.LeMoyneEthicsReporting.ethicspoint.com or through the toll-free number (1-855-830-6524).