Polarizing by Place: The Rise of Rural-Urban Divide and its Impact on American Politics
4:00 PM - 5:00 PMCategory

As part of the Fall 2024 Social Science Seminar Series Suzanne Mettler, John L. Senior Professor of American Institutions at Cornell University, will present Polarizing by Place: The Rise of Rural-Urban Divide and its Impact on American Politics. Her talk will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 4 p.m. in the Reilley Room (room 446 Reilly Hall). Until 30 years ago, rural and urban Americans nationwide voted similarly overall for presidential candidates, but since then rural Americans have favored Republican candidates at higher and higher rates, while urban Americans have consolidated their long-standing support for Democrats. This growing rural-urban divide is evident in all regions of the United States and in most states, and it has affected congressional elections and other down-ticket races as well. Examining county level-data, we trace the emergence of factors over time that led to the beginnings of this divide and then subsequently exacerbated it. We also draw on over 60 interviews with rural political party county chairs in both parties and with former elected officials from rural states and congressional districts. We trace the impact for polarization and democracy, and consider how the effects of the divide might be mitigated.