Living on The Heights

At Le Moyne, we believe that a key to discovering who you are and becoming the person you only dreamed of being starts with a vibrant and exciting campus life. 

Where will you live?

You’ll have a number of options when it comes to where you live, from traditional dormitory rooms to suites to apartment-style housing. No matter what housing you choose, you can be sure that it will be comfortable and modern, and will match the way you like to work, study, live and play.

What will you eat?

At Le Moyne, we believe that food is the foundation for fun. You'll find weekly and monthly special events and promotions at Phins Hospitality. Why? Because we believe that your relationships are strengthened around the table!

What will you do?

The better question is what can’t you do on campus? You’ll be able to pick from clubs and groups to help you meet and connect with fellow Phins who share your interests. You'll also have so many opportunities to discover new interests and passions. Plus thanks to our student programming board, you’ll have events and activities just about every night on campus!

What's Beyond Campus?

Whether you’re familiar with Central New York or are arriving for the first time, we’re here for you. All you need to do is get ready to explore!

Our Students’ Keys to a Great Move-In Day

Starting college is an exciting experience. But moving into a dorm and sharing a room with a new person might seem overwhelming - we understand. We asked our students to share some tips to help you get settled on campus in no time!

Before you begin packing, I recommend that you make a list of everything you will need. This will help you stay organized and on top of the things you need. Also, start reading Le Moyne’s policies to discover what you can and cannot bring. (Certain appliances, such as hot plates, are prohibited.)

Keep in mind that you are sharing a room. Because space is limited, pack as lightly as possible. Bring only the necessities, such as bedding, toiletries, and seasonal clothing. You can always get additional things once you’ve gotten acquainted with your new room (bonus: it’s a great excuse to go shopping with your friends). Remember to bring a pair of shower shoes!

If you know who your roommate is and have their contact information, make sure you connect with them before you arrive! This will save you from bringing duplicates of everything, including a mini-fridge and even a microwave! If you want to decorate in a similar manner, you may also talk about what color and theme to use.

Keep in mind that you have limited space and restrictions when designing your room. Instead of nails and screws, think about using adhesive command strips and hooks. Also, bring any soft furniture, such as a rug or additional pillows, to make your room feel like a home away from home!

It is important before you move in to understand all important information about your residence hall. Things like visitor restrictions, quiet hours, the location of laundry machines, and even roommate agreements. Knowing the policies will help you avoid future conflicts and misunderstandings

When you move into your room, you will most likely be introduced to your Resident Advisor (RA). Remember, this is the person you should contact if anything goes wrong during your time on campus. They can assist you with getting acquainted with college living and even campus life by answering any questions you may have.

Our Phins don’t swim alone much like they don’t swim alone in the wild. Wherever you are on campus, there will always be a smiling face looking at you. Even someone who you know is in your class but maybe have not talked to will smile and say hello. There is always someone around to hang out with and familiar faces everywhere to remind you how close knit you will become.”

Paige Martin
Iggy Dolphin