We’ve prepared these resources to help you promote our brand and show how Greatness Meets Goodness here on The Heights every day. Have questions or need help? We are always here for you.

Need a Template or Logo?

The Le Moyne College logo is a brand mark that represents the College with consistency. Use of the logo must be consistent. The colors for the logo represent the college colors. The colors are PMS 349 green with the tagline in PMS 872 gold. It is also available in all green, all gold, black or white. It should not be used in any other manner, and should be used on all Le Moyne College printed, digital or Website materials. It should not be placed over a busy background or one that doesn’t represent the College brand.

Download Logos

he seal should be used on the more official documents for the College such as those coming from the president’s office. It should not be used along side the college logo. Either one or the other is used.

Five arrowheads are displayed to represent the five nations, whose capital was located where Syracuse now stands. Here, Simon Le Moyne, S.J., labored and earned from the Indian nations the title “Ondessonk” (Chief). The arrowheads are reversed to commemorate the reputation of Father Le Moyne as a peacemaker among the Iroquiois. A cross forms a fitting background for these instruments of warfare, since the apostle was ever willing to sacrifice his life for his Master. The circular object in the first quarter is known in heraldry as a fountain representing the salt springs discovered by Father Le Moyne and symbolizes the saving lavacrum of baptism which he brought to the Indians. The second quarter displays a fleur-de-lis for Beauvais, in the ancient Department of Ile de France, to honor the birthplace of the titular of the college. The insignia of the Society of Jesus is the central motif of the chief (upper compartment) and is inscribed on a book to designate that Le Moyne is a Jesuit institution of learning.

The College colors, PMS 349 green and PMS 872 gold, are the tinctures of the seal and the motto, “TOTUS IN DOMINO JESU,” is Father Le Moyne’s favorite phrase at the end of his letters to his superiors.


Green and gold are the official colors of Le Moyne College.

The approved colors for Le Moyne are Pantone 349 green and Pantone 872 gold. Pantone 7406 golden yellow can be used in place of the gold if a brighter, less formal look is required.

See additional color options

Need a Secondary Logo?

Need Photography Resources?

This online photo collection includes a wide range of Le Moyne College images such as campus scenes, College buildings, interesting classroom and laboratory environments, arts and athletics, religious and service-oriented events, and more. The high-resolution images may be downloaded for free to use in reports and presentations, or you can use low-resolution versions for your Web pages. The photos are housed at lmccreative.smugmug.com.  We also have sample images to download.

Le Moyne College has a photographer whom we can schedule to come in for events or for new photography that may be needed. If our photographer is needed to cover an event, we schedule him to come to campus for that event. If new photography is needed for a particular project, make a notation in the publications request and we can plan it with you in our project discussions.

Download our style guide with tips for your next campus photos.

Need help with web or social content?

  • A website can only be as clear, intentional, and effective as the organization behind it
  • Good governance is helping visitors accomplish the tasks they need to complete with no “insider knowledge” of how we work.
  • Owners and reviewers will always match our internal structure (no one will be asked to review content for an area that they are not familiar with)
  • The site is not organized by our organizational chart – it’s structured to present information to our primary audience based on their behavior and browsing habits
  • Maintain a culture of accountability, trust, and pride

Learn more about our governance policies

The world of search may feel overwhelming and complicated. But the good news is that if you’re following good web writing practices, you’re probably well on your way to having great results on search. We all think our content is the most important for visitors to see. But looking at how prospective students use search for their college exploration helps us design an experience that prioritizes exactly what future students are looking for.

More about optimizing your content for search

Social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok are important and powerful communication outlets for our community.

The following guidelines have been developed to assist in posting and managing social media content on behalf of Le Moyne College departments, offices, teams, clubs, and organizations. Due to the ever-changing nature of social media, these policies and guidelines may be subject to review at any time.

Explore our social media policies and guidelines

Why is web accessibility important?

Creating an accessible website is just the right thing to do. Everyone should be able to get the full value and utility out of your website regardless of the abilities they have. And making the web more accessible improves it for everyone.

See our current web accessibility efforts & guidelines

Need Help with Media Coverage?

We produce press releases and media advisories to send to members of the electronic and print media to promote College news and upcoming events, and can work with faculty and other members of the College community to draft/edit and place Op-Ed pieces and letters to the editor. All media inquiries should be coordinated through the office. We can also plan, organize and execute news conferences for major announcements and events.


Public relations coordinates communications strategy for campus issues, major announcements, new and developing topics and rapid-response situations. We work with others within the Le Moyne community to identify emerging issues and enact communication strategies in a proactive way.


Public relations plays an important role within the College’s Emergency Management Preparedness Team, serving as counsel on communication strategies, messages and also speaking officially for the College. The office also takes the lead on disseminating important information to external and internal audiences, including through the web page, email and the Heights Alert system.

Need Help with Writing?

Show our Le Moyne personality and how we achieve our goals by being:

  • Ambitious: We set high standards for ourselves and for those who join us in our quest to build healthier and more educated communities.
  • Confident: We trust in our abilities to be a force for positive change and we develop leaders in our faculty, students and alumni who value diversity and teamwork.
  • Successful: We continue to expand on our tradition of scholarship and leadership to create new generations of bold thinkers and committed problem solvers.
  • Genuine: We are a welcoming community that put our ethics into practice by displaying personal integrity and respect for others.
  • Vibrant: We have an undeniable spirit and a boundless energy that grows from our thirst for knowledge and our commitment to improve our way of life.

To effectively connect with our audiences, we must tell our stories with a distinctive voice that reflects our brand personality. The tone of our stories should be confident and genuine, written in a vibrant, easy to read style. We can do both by what we say and how we say it.

See best practices and writing recommendations

The Le Moyne College Style Guide was created to serve as a resource to members of the College community. It outlines the guidelines followed by the College’s Office of Communications in preparing text for internal and external audiences, including copy for posters, brochures, the Web and Le Moyne College Magazine. In general, the College follows the AP Style Guide, and many of the most common entries in that guide are included in the College guide. Other entries are specific to Le Moyne.

See the complete style guide