College. A whole new educational experience after high school that requires even more hard work and determination. However, don’t fret! College will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life! Experiences that you and your friends will still be talking about in 20 years! I wanted to make this beginner guide to give some helpful tips for all things about college, especially for the incoming freshman who may be worried about their first year.

Manresa Group ShotI wanted to begin with the nerve-wracking topic of meeting new people. It’s always a challenge for some to meet people, especially in a new environment and if you’re not a social person. However, there are so many opportunities to meet potential friends, such as in clubs. Clubs are great ways to do something you like to do after class while socializing. I will leave a link to what Le Moyne has to offer at the end of this blog for you to review the clubs we have on campus. Other ways to meet new people are during campus events such as guest speakers, bingo or craft nights etc., classes (you might need help and this helps with getting acquainted) and around campus like at the gym, library or any other place on campus!  I personally have met so many people during guest speaker lectures who are usually there for extra credit or want to learn new information about that topic. So it was a win-win for me leaving with information for extra credit and still hanging out with the people I met there to this day!

Another tip is to find a job on campus. I know as a college student, making money while being in school can be really hard. However, on Le Moyne’s website, there are always job opportunities on campus for students looking to make extra money. You can also decide what hours and days work best for you, which is especially beneficial as a college student. Work study is a great way to make money because it’s a program that allows students to work part-time while attending college. The average hours each week are about eight hours, and students are usually paid bi-weekly. (I will also leave a link at the end of this blog post for you to see what sort of jobs Le Moyne has that could be of interest to you.)

The last topic I wanted to talk about is time management. First, planning is so important because of how scattered assignments, tests, and long work hours are that you can lose track of all them. I strongly encourage using a planner, whether it’s electronic or paper. It will keep you on top of what needs to be done and what is already complete. The second tip is deciding what time of the day is better for you when studying. It could be at 8 in the morning or 11 at night. It all depends on when you are more focused and how you want to get your work done in a sufficient time. The third and final tip is learning to focus. This tip sounds easy but can be difficult to do sometimes.

One helpful tip is learning to focus without breaks and without added stimulation for 10 to 15 minute intervals. Also, not being near your phone during study time and in class can help as well. I have struggled with this my entire educational experience because I have quite a short attention span and will go on my phone for hours. I would be on my phone checking social media, playing games and texting friends rather than getting work done. I realized that putting my phone on silent mode and turning off my internet access for the duration of studying time helps me focus better. If I do not hear my phone going off or can’t go on the internet, then it is not worth using it while I am trying to study. You can trick your mind and use your time more productively. It is definitely worth trying and seeing if it is helpful in helping maintain your attention span during homework.

I wrote just a few tips about college that I wanted to share, and would love to write more for additional support. I have some in the works dealing with college essentials that are a must-have while on campus, creating an achievable budget, how to write well written essays and many more! College may not be a not a walk in the park but with this information, college can be a little less hectic, more organized, and a place of fun and learning. I am looking forward to writing more advice on anything and everything including college, life and fun events to attend. Keep reading the blogs to find out more information on upcoming posts!

Angelique Jones ’22
Digital Intern

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