William Lee recalls peering out of the window of the plane that would bring him from his home in Taipei, Taiwan, to the United States. As the island nation appeared to become smaller and smaller in the distance, Lee thought about what lay ahead for him. He was the first student from Fu Jen Catholic University to take part in an exchange program with Le Moyne College, and was about to spend a full academic year on the Heights. He imagined taking classes, immersing himself in campus life, and exploring as much of the United States as possible. Lee had been to the U.S. before, but not for such an extended period of time. He was determined to make the most of this opportunity, and it’s safe to say he has succeeded.

Lee cheers on the Golden State Warriors in San Francisco, Calif.

A dual major in electrical engineering and computer science, Lee has taken courses in  communications, computer science, marketing, management and information systems at Le Moyne. Following his graduation, he aspires to work for Google, either as a software or hardware engineer. As part of a course titled Design Thinking and the Next Step with Leslie Streissguth, he had the opportunity to speak to Le Moyne alumnus Steven Nunez ’19 about Nunez’s own experience working for the technology behemoth. He called their conversation “life-changing.” Away from the classroom, Lee has watched the sun rise over Onondaga Lake as he glided across the water with the College’s Rowing Club. He has also traveled extensively, visiting New York City, Salem, Mass., and Niagara Falls, N.Y., in the east and San Diego, San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, Calif., in the west, among several other American cities. (It was in Lake Tahoe where he went snowboarding for the first time.)

Perhaps most important, Lee has come to feel at home at Le Moyne. He has forged close connections to his professors; perfected his English and taught others on campus a few words of Mandarin; and enjoyed simple moments with his friends, cheering on the Dolphins at home games whenever he can. He has called this “the happiest year of [his] life.” Lee recently received a call from another student from Fu Jen Catholic University who may be coming to Le Moyne in the fall. She had a lot of questions for him about what to expect, how to acclimate to a new environment, and what life is like on campus. Lee was happy to share his experiences with her. During their conversation, he stressed that studying abroad is a wonderful opportunity to “broaden your vision” and offered her and all students studying abroad the following advice: “Be brave, be confident and do everything you can.”

Lee enjoys time with Iggy on the Le Moyne campus

Lee said that the wonderful people he has met and the friends he has made have made traveling halfway around the world to study worthwhile. He cherishes the time he has spent with them and considers “every moment precious.” He experienced a different culture, improved his English, expanded his vision and started to think differently.

“I have been motivated by [this experience]  and want to achieve higher goals in the future,” he said.

Le Moyne’s connection with Fu Jen Catholic University began in 2016, when Sean Garbry ‘18 walked into the office of Dean of the Madden College of Business and Economics Jim Joseph ‘83, Ed.D. ‘23 and explained that he wanted to “study where no Le Moyne student has ever been.” The two agreed upon Fu Jen. Dean Joseph stopped at Fu Jen on his way home from a meeting in India, and the formal exchange agreement was created shortly thereafter. It is one of several Formation Abroad Programs the College has established through the Hetterich Center for Global Engagement and Impact. Learn more about the Hetterich Center, and all of the College’s Centers of Excellence here. Learn more about Le Moyne’s Office of Global Education and the opportunities the College offers to study abroad here.