When you come visit Le Moyne, you might be lucky enough to experience some of the hidden gems that make Le Moyne our home away from home.

Theresa at the Den
Possibly the cheeriest person you will meet at Le Moyne, Theresa is the “mother” of the Den. She refers to anyone she talks to as “baby” and you can’t stop by and grab a cup of coffee without hearing her famous laugh.

Eric Dolphy

This iconic statue is located at the heart of Le Moyne campus, in the quad. On Dolphy Day, someone usually decorates Eric, and you can see people sitting on the statue or taking pictures with him all day long.

Science Addition

This part of the Science Center was opened in 2013 and is environmentally sustainable. It is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified by the U.S. Green Building Council.

The Bridge

This beautiful brick pathway connecting Grewen Hall to the Science Center is home to one of the best views at Le Moyne during any season. It looks out over the athletic fields and the city of Syracuse.

Recreation Center

At almost any time of day, but especially at night, you can find the recreation courts filled with people playing basketball, intramural sports like soccer or volleyball, or even taking karate, spinning, and zumba lessons. The Recreation center also contains the school’s pool, its main fitness center, a raised track above the recreation courts, a couple enclosed racquetball courts, and new barre room.

The Jes-Res Hill

Behind the Jesuit Residence, the ground steeply slopes down to the double-A lot behind the Athletic Center. In the spring and fall you’ll see sports teams practicing sprints or circuits on the steep hill (good luck if that’s going to be you!), and in the winter you can often see people sledding down it (be sure to bail before you hit the curb). It’s one of the best places to watch Le Moyne’s annual Fall semester “kick-off” fireworks from, and at the top of the hill there’s a raised garden encircled by a brick wall–a perfect spot to sit and catch some quiet time.

Simon’s Pub

Le Moyne’s on-campus pub is a great place to relax and get together with friends without the hassle of coordinating an off-campus trip. There’s a pool table, couches, big-screen TV and plenty of tables to commandeer for a night. They host both all-ages trivia nights and senior (21+) trivia nights weekly, and have non-alcoholic beverages like soda and water for those who are under 21.

Madden School of Business

Le Moyne’s business school is located in Mitchell Hall, and has been almost completely renovated within the last few years. It now contains a trading floor, a business-analytics lab, and glass-walled conference rooms.