ERIE21 has been awarded $150,000 from the KeyBank foundation, to be distributed over the next three years. The funds will be used to support Lock 1 & 2 Tech Saturday programming and will also launch the first-ever ERIE21 Lock 3 Pre-Orientation program for the Class of 2027. This program, called “ERIE21 Summer Leap,” will help students from vulnerable populations successfully transition to from high school to Le Moyne College as ERIE21 students.

This grant was made possible thanks to the work of the ERIE21 team and advancement colleagues, including Bill Brower, special assistant to the president, Kim McAuliff, senior director for major gifts, and Lisa Lessun, associate director for government and foundation relations. Shown in the photo above are, from left, Tamika Otis, corporate responsibility office​r​ for Key Bank, Brower, McAuliff, ​Ben Atwood, senior academic services coordinator for ERIE21, ​Taylor Hodge, assistant director & Lock 4 program manage​r for​ ERIE21, and Steve Fournier, Key Bank market president.