Emily teaches Introduction to Finance, Corporate Finance, and International Finance Management at Le Moyne.

Dr. Heng (Emily) Wang’s research examines possible impacts on financial markets in an era of accelerated technological progress. The first line of Emily’s research focuses on the cyber-breach impact on financial markets, including stock markets, bonds markets and options markets. Emily and her co-authors find that firms subject to cyber breaches do experience one-month losses of 2% in bond valuation and negative one-day losses of -0.35% in stock markets in terms of the Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CARs). Furthermore, Emily’s research finds two distinct informed trading patterns prior to cyber-breach announcements supported by evidence of option trading activities, and finds market abnormalities in the equity lending markets (short selling). In other lines of work, Emily investigates the association between the dispersion in analysts target prices and stock returns, and the trade-off between short-term market premium and long-run opportunity costs under the catering payout theory.

About Heng (Emily) Wang:
Emily is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Madden School of Business, Le Moyne College. She holds a Ph.D. in Finance and M.S. in Quantitative Financial Economics from Oklahoma State University. Her research interests span the areas of corporate finance, investment and cybersecurity. Emily is teaching Introduction to Finance and International Financial Management at Le Moyne.