From Personal Inspiration to Professional Passion

Henia Zames ‘26 knew from an early age that she wanted to care for others. But how exactly she would go about doing so did not take its exact shape until a family friend was diagnosed with William syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to heart defects, narrowing of the blood vessels and joint hypermobility. Zames had the opportunity to see her friend take part in some of the therapies she’d been assigned, such as horseback riding, and knew that one day she wanted to help people facing an array of illnesses and injuries enjoy fulfilling, independent lives.
“She really inspired me,” Zames recalled.
Today the Jamesville, N.Y., native is studying psychology at Le Moyne with plans to enroll in the College’s master’s degree program in occupational therapy and to become an OT. She transferred to the College from another institution and says that she has “never been happier.” Since then, she has relished the opportunity to forge close relationships with faculty members and to build a sense of community on the Heights. Zames has made the most of her time at Le Moyne, joining the Mental Health Awareness Club, Education Club, Creative Writing Club and the College’s literary journal, The Salamander. She credits the College with helping to make her a stronger critical thinker who is better able to question previously held beliefs. That will undoubtedly make her a more prepared, well-rounded caregiver.
I think it’s really important to be able to expand your worldview and see different perspectives. If that means changing your mind, I think that’s perfectly fine. I think that’s what we’re meant to do on this earth – to learn and grow and change based on our experiences and our relationships with other people.”
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