Oreo’s Moment of Fame

I told my cat Oreo that she would be famous – and now she is – at least at Le Moyne. A portrait of her is on display at the W. Carroll Coyne Center for the Performing Arts. The image is based on a photo I took of her while on a visit back home. (I miss Oreo and wanted to take pictures of her to brighten my day.) I created this piece of art in my Digital Illustration class using Adobe Illustrator. I had no prior experience with Illustrator, so navigating the software was tricky at first. Professor Lindsey Voorhees let us practice using it. Still, the project posed unexpected challenges.
Working on Oreo’s eyes and fur was particularly difficult. Her black and white fur required emphasis to appear soft. I spent multiple Fridays in the lab, with my mom supporting me over the phone, finally discovering how to use the pencil tool and match colors to bring out the various whites and grays of the fur. Despite the obstacles, I completed the piece to my satisfaction. My classmates liked it, and I was surprised when Professor Voorhees chose to display it. I jokingly told Oreo she was a celebrity, but I was proud of my accomplishment. Notably, I omitted Oreo’s mouth from this tribute to her. It reflects her quiet nature.
Emily Alvarez ’26 is pursuing a dual major in marketing and management and leadership with a minor in visual art