Theominique D. NottageTheominique Nottage graduated in 2009 with degrees in Peace & Global Studies and Spanish. After completing her law degree, she returned to her native Nassau where she is an Arbitration Consultant to the Government of The Bahamas but is a Counsel and Attorney-at-law by profession.

She credits the holistic education she received at Le Moyne with preparing her for her career path: “Having had the opportunity to study history, religion and philosophy at Le Moyne, my personal development improved and impacted my global perspective. I am able to specifically reflect on what I was taught through the Integral Honors program and what has helped me develop my critical thinking and analytical skills in such a way where I excelled in law school.”

Theominique shared some of the reasons she thrived at Le Moyne: “I loved that Le Moyne was a small liberal arts college that followed the Jesuit tradition. Le Moyne also offered excellent opportunities for leadership as I was a member of the LEAD learning community and served as Vice President of both POWER and the International Students Club. Both the administration and faculty support went above and beyond in that there was always open communication and ease of contact. Even today my mentors’ advice and words of wisdom have remained with me and continue to influence my career decisions. I loved that Le Moyne completely supported its students and provided an education that was based not only on the liberal arts, but also on service leadership.”

She offered some advice for our current students: “I would encourage everyone to enjoy every moment of  their time on the Heights. The friendships made at Le Moyne will grow to lifelong connections. But also be sure to take advantage of every opportunity to excel and to learn.”

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