We know the first year at Le Moyne is an adjustment for your student and your family, too. In a sense, parents and families are also joining the Le Moyne community, and we are happy to welcome our parents to The Heights. We will work with you to provide your student with the appropriate balance of challenge and support necessary to thrive at Le Moyne.

Who’s Who

College offices can sound like a language all their own. Here’s a quick guide to each office and what they can help you with!

Contact the bookstore.

Learn more about Dining on Campus.

Learn more about the Student Success Center.

See how Information Technology can support your campus experience!

Learn more about Campus Ministry.

Stumped by what to pack? Organizing your packing list can be a daunting task, but don't worry, we have some suggestions to help you get started.

Questions Answered On the Heights

Additional resources to ease your mind.

Class Deans

Have additional questions? Our class deans are here to help! Feel free to contact them with questions, concerns or to share how your student is doing.

Most Useful Links

We’ve found these are the offices our parents and families are trying to reach most often.

Events & Dates

Be sure to check your email for updates from our office of Alumni and Parent Program on events happening on The Heights (and check out these calendars to see what’s going on each day)

If your contact information has changed, please let us know by completing an online form.