Upward Bound
Learn About Upward Bound
Upward Bound is a federally-funded program for high school students who will be first-generation college students. Each year a limited number of students from the City of Syracuse participate in the program.
The goal of Upward Bound is to improve the academic performance, motivation levels, and self-confidence of the participating students so that they reach their ultimate goal of achieving a college education.
- Academic instruction in College-Prep Math, Lab Sciences, Writing and Composition and Foreign Language classes
- Individual tutoring in subjects with which you have difficulty
- Career Counseling to help students develop future goals
- Cultural activities such as field trips to museums, zoos, national parks and attending special events such as concerts, plays, or sports events
- College campus visits
- ACT preparation classes
- SAT preparation classes
- College application advising
- Financial aid information
Students who are selected to participate in Upward Bound must live in the within the city of Syracuse limits and meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrate the academic potential and the desire to complete a college degree
- Are in the 9th or 10th grade at the time of application
- Meet specific family income guidelines and/or are potential first generation college graduates
Selection is based on information obtained from a completed application, review of school records, guidance counselors, and teacher recommendations, and a personal interview with each student and parent.
95% of Upward Bound graduates have entered post-secondary education. TRIO program research shows that Upward Bound students are four times more likely to earn a college degree than students from similar back-grounds who do not participate in the program.
Nothing!!! All Upward Bound services are free of charge to eligible students.
Upward Bound Applications
About the Program
During the Academic Year
SATURDAY SCHOLASTIC ACADEMY: 25 Saturdays from September – May, 7:30 am – 12:00 pm Students receive academic tutoring and instructions in reading, writing, study skills, mathematics, science and other subjects; additionally, UB students will participate in SAT/ACT preparation, college visits, cultural events, community service opportunities and leadership workshops, among other activities. Students will be eligible to receive weekly stipends based on their school performance.
Summer Program
RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM: 6 weeks from June- August, Sunday - Thursday This is a simulated college experience designed to provide a positive and challenging academic and social environment for high school students. Students will take a rigorous academic curriculum in the morning that will help them succeed in their own high schools, as well as prepare them for college. There will also be enrichment courses, such as career explorations and computer science, as well as an end of the year trip. All participating students will receive a stipend at the end of the summer program.

Just 45% of low-income students in our nation enroll in college, compared with 81% from the highest socio-economic tier.
This is a problem we are working to solve.
Volunteer & Support Upward Bound
Le Moyne College’s Upward Bound program is a grant-funded educational opportunity program that provides academic, social, and college readiness support to low-income high school students from Syracuse, many of whom aspire to be the first in their families to go to college and graduate. Last year, 100% of our high school seniors enrolled in post-secondary institutions, more than doubling the national rate for their peers.
To make a monetary donation online, please use our secure online giving page. 100% of donations directly benefit our students by partially offsetting the high costs of college textbooks for our graduating senior class and helping to fund more than fifteen annual campus visits. Le Moyne College’s Upward Bound Program is also always looking for volunteers to tutor students, present at Leadership Conferences, or help out in other ways. To find out about volunteer options, please contact Kate Haswell at haswelke@lemoyne.edu.
As we say in Upward Bound, we know that our futures are connected and that one person’s success determine another person’s possibilities. Thank you for supporting Upward Bound students and their possibilities. Thank you for your interest in supporting Upward Bound!
Our Upward Bound Pledge
It is my duty to possess The highest scholastic intentions Striving always to present myself In a respectable manner I accept that my role As an Upward Bound Student Requires both sacrifice And dedication I will endeavor to maintain Academic and ethical integrity Believing that my words and my work Are reflections of my character I will utilize my talents and knowledge To help myself and others Always remembering that Upward Bound is a mission It is my goal to acquire higher education Thereby validating the purpose of Upward Bound For I understand and accept that my success Determines another student’s possibilities Following these ideals situates me As a true leader One to be admired and an example To be followed I AM READY, I AM PREPARED, I AM SERIOUS, I AM UPWARD BOUND! Adapted by: Colette Matthews
Questions? Get in touch.